Hands down, hot pink is a wedding favourite. So when the client shared their choice of colour for their Maiyan and Choora ceremony, we knew we had to create a pop-up collection for our Patakha Guddi Pataaree bride. From choora and kaleera boxes, peedi-fatti to mini trousseau box, thaal and bow, this collection has been created with precision and meticulous attention to detail. Decorative with a touch of glamour, this collection is a sureshot headturner.

Satrangi peedi with fatti

Satrangi full chura box

Satrangi full chura box

Satrangi kaleera box

Satrangi kaleera box

Satrangi thaal with chura bowl

Mini satrangi trousseau box

Mini satrangi trousseau box

Satrangi chura ceremony essentials

Satrangi chura ceremony essentials

Satrangi chadar

Satrangi chadar
